Christmas Swim is the 51st episode of season 2, of Bluey (TV series).
The Heelers gather for a classic Aussie Christmas, Bluey gets a new teddy named Bartleby and introduces him to the whole family. But the family play too rough with him and now he wants to go home. Until Frisky convinces him to stay.
-Coming soon-
Episode Recap[]
Warning Spoilers!
bestbits: Muffin is late for work
lifelesson: DON'T be too rough with stuff and give people a 2nd chance.
Trailer/Sneak Peek[]
File:Bluey Christmas Episode Trailer - Bluey File:Christmas Swim - Bluey
- This is the second Christmas episode right after Verandah Santa.
- In this episode, Socks is starting to walk on two feet and talk.
- Some of the characters may have aged up.
- This episode takes place in Stripe's Family's House.
- When Chris Heeler is drying Bartleby, first she calls him bartlboy, then bumblebee.