Bluey Fanon Wiki
Bluey reading
Bluey! You know you can't be reading this! It's too mature -Bandit Heeler
This article contains slightly mature content such as swear words, ships of characters or the death of the character. If you are comfortable reading those kind of things, read if you want. However if you aren't comfortable, we recommend clicking off and reading a different page but remember to have fun. (Please do not delete this template or it's infomation, thanks).
WHY? NO!...-Sounds of breaking glass.-WHY YOU DO THAT? WHY?!...-Bluey starts cry. She felt unbearable pain..
— Mackenzie with Bluey.

Bluey Collie, the main character of the Bad Childhood universe.


She tolerated Mackenzie's taunts and his gruff tone. Even when they were with their buddies, Mackenzie drove the Captain away from Mia and Bluey.

When they got older Mackenzie took a trial relationship with Bluey. He didn't like something one day. They had a fight and Mackenzie got so angry that he grabbed a glass glass and threw it at Bluey's face, giving her a long scar on her face. After that she had a baby Biscuit, who she tries to keep away from bad people.

If she saw child version[]


-Huh? Is that me from future?

-Yes. You have a child in future.

-Yay! Wait..


-My face..



BlueyMackenzie bad childhood

Bluey with Mackenzie

-I can explain. Never love Mackenzie, choose Jean Luc please!..



  • She will choose Jean Luc after Mackenzie.(spoilers get out plss)


A touching, fragile woman who's afraid of dogs she doesn't know.
