If you consider this wiki to be about Bluey, I forbid the use of humans as they are non Bluey. I also forbid making AI covers and AI character pictures (Appearance), I allow using AI only to represent some illustration, only if it is very complex and not a five minute illustration. Regarding Nathan Faulkner
Lore of au
so okay guys, you want me to know if I had lore about the au, so yeah, this is the lore of the au 😫
Short comic
So hi guys! So i ran out of ideas of this new au im making now, so yeah, i made a short comic about the au! I hope you read this! 3<
So guys i have good news! I completed my Bluey backrooms au! So yeah, you can watch it, its down, so hehe! d:
New character
1/1) bluey and her sister, bingo, had found themselfs in the backrooms, now they have to face threats and find a way out!
Pictures is a frame in Bluey.
- Season 2, Episode 25: Helicopter (mentioned)
- Season 2, Episode 42: Bin Night (mentioned)
- Season 4, Episode 5: Mix-Ups (pictured)
I am Quitting from this Fanon because I am tired of making the story in this WIki Fanon and this is not for me
Hi. A blog post
Fan Episode Idea:
Episode Title: "Bluey meets Dr. EggMan.
The episode begins with Bluey and Bingo are playing when they run into Dr. EggMan. Dr. EggMan is annoyed by this and yells at Bluey and Bingo for running into him. Bluey and Bingo are frightened by this and apologize. They then ask who he is and he answers saying "I am Doctor Ivo EggMan Robotnik: the world's greatest scientist, and soon to be the world's greatest ruler." Dr. EggMan looks at Bluey and Bingo and notices that they look similar to his two greatest enemies. Mistaking Bluey and Bingo for Sonic and Tails he orders Orbot and Cubot to seize them. Some time goes by and he realizes his mistake. However instead of letting them go free he decides to use them to power his machines.…
Hello I want to say that you know American Tour my movie? will I think I have 4 more of them to go
Fairytale Google Translated
The episode begins with Bandit reading a Bingo story to the children in bed.
Bandit: "So Hansen and Gretel went home and lived happily ever after." Close the book, ending the story. "Wow, that was a wild ride."
Bluey: Unknown "Yes."
Bingo: "Are fairy tales true or false?"
Bandit: "What are you saying?"
Bingo: "I mean, did it happen in real life?"
Bandit: "Well, no."
Bingo: "Phew!"
Bandit: But there are things in them.
Bingo: "Like what?"
Thief: "I love, you know, being greedy is not good; and if you are strong and honest, you will work things out!"
Bingo: "Oh, yeah."
Bandit: "Hey, I want to hear the real story?"
Bluey and Bingo: "Yes, I will!"
Bandit: Crouching as Bluey and Bingo gather to listen. "He's a bad brother with a happy ending, and he's cursed…
Camping Google Translated
(This episode starts with the Heelers family trailer)
Bluey: Ohhh... There's so much ghost in my house.
Muffin: Bluey, it's my trailer!
Bluey: Oh.. Hello server!
Muffin: This is my bald head!
Bluey: (Laughs) I just use Muffin for the game!
Muffin: Give it to me!
EUAX: Woman ready to launch
Muffin: Mine from the pan!
Bingo: Muffins!
Muffin: IT'S FINE!!!
(Muffin chases Bluey and Bingo out of the box.)
Bingo: Can you believe the waiter kicked us out?
Bluey: Ohh... we'll have to live in the forest!
Chilli: Not this one, he hasn't had a bath for three days.
Bluey: Goodbye stinky candy!
(Blue for the pocket).
Blue: Ohh... I'll have a house made of wood.
Jean Luc: Hello! (Good morning!)
Bluey: Hello!
Jean Luc: Do you want to play with …
Bluey: In The Future: Old Stuff
(This is nooooooooot an episode!)
Previously before PufferFishy had joined Fandom and the Bluey Fanon Wiki... had laid a series made by a user who went by the name of FruitLoopsOrSomething... which contains a good bit of old stuff PufferFishy cancelled once they adopted the series...
Yes, there was a good bit of old things in this series made by the previous creator. This'll only cover some things I found quite interesting! You can read the entire start of the series just by clicking on the page's history and scrolling allllll the way down!
I wonder where that character Cameron went. Maybe he was developed into Crimson... hmmmm.. Mack?! Cameron?! These old characters are very interesting... maybe I could reveal the…
Forget: "Beta" Script
[It's the morning, Shelli wakes up, stretching and yawning. She walks into the living room, looks around, and yawns again. Mackenzie runs up behind her and surprises her with a big hug. Shelli screams.]
Shelli: Eek! [She looks down at Mackenzie.] Daaaad! What's going on?
Mackenzie: Well, it's a certain someone's special day. And... [He puts her back down on the ground and kneels to her.] that special someone will receive presents!
[Shelli giggles. She gasps.]
Shelli: Ooh, is it Christmas this early?! I haven't even began making Mum and Charlie's gifts yet! Urghh!
[Mackenzie facepalms, he sighs as well.]
Mackenzie: Look, how about when your Mum and siblings wake up, we can all quiz you on what special day it is. And it's not Christmas.
Shelli: Okay...…
We'll meet again
And so... Well, I'm taking a break for now. Maybe it will be for week, or maybe for a month, I do not know. Thank you all and bye!
Scratch: "Beta" Script (Meaning, this'll possibly be the first ever version of the Scratch script!)
You're probably wondering why there's a beta script, of all things. Well, I thought it'd be nice to include a script for me to look back on, and so make it extra silly, so even if it may not become the final actual script, it'll just be like a separate, silly version.
Also, text with italics is pieces of text which'll probably be cut from the final script, if this is used.
[It's near sunset, chattering is heard way from outside the house. It shows inside, Charlie and Shamille with their dinner plates pushed aside, arguing about how Shamille's lying and just scratched Charlie for no reason.]
Charlie: Shamille's trying to get herself out of trouble by lying! She's trying to be innocent because Dad always takes her side during squabbles!
Bluey: Al…
Muffin's bad doings
- Throwing monkeys at Gannon
- Stealing my food
- Replacing my chocolate cake with Carolina Reaper
- Blasting Caillou theme with 20 iPads
- Blasting Barney theme with 7 iPads
- Blasting Boj theme with 10,000 iPads
- Eating all the cookies in the cookie jar
What's your favorite part about this wiki? just curious.
What are y'alls favorite part of this wiki?
The reason why I am quitting because I am not into Bluey anymore and I prefer to go on PAW Patrol one and yes bye
I'm making holiday cards for Community Service help for Senior citizens
I had making holiday cards fir senior citizens because members of my school student council are community service and they need help so my classmates are making 120 and we need to make 3 each cards we finish today and continue Thursday and Friday
Carolina Leonor’s (WheelPlayer’s) Broken Phone
This place is a
This….THIS WIKI! There is so much drama here.
Like ya’ll cant chill for like 1 day without yelling at each other,bruhhh..
Sam’s ass is flying around the area 51
Proposal: Change the wiki link color
Hi Bluey fan wiki, Spongebobsuperfunfan here. I would like to change the wiki link color to blue and if you say it’s already blue then look at this Anyway the reason I want to change the wiki text to blue is because Bluey is blue and Bluey is nice and blue is nice too. It also fits with the wiki’s theme. Support pls.
Field trip to the movie
I am going on a field trip to the movie with my High school friends at the AMC Theater at rosedale center then we will go shopping at the rosedale mall next door we are goping to see Puss in Boot
Hi i am currently in my school and the Vulcans are coming to my school the whole class included the whole elementary middle school and high school are going to meet them
Bluey is one of my favorite shows. I watch it rarely but I like it since 2019 and it’s a fun show Bluey Heeler is one of the main characters along with Bingo Heeler, Chilli Heeler and Bandit Heeler.
Hello so basically when i was on my trip my family realize that Friday is winter storm in my state (Minnesota) so we flew home on Saturday but my plane was delay we arrived back at 10pm it took my family wait in a long line at customs but we make it out at 12;10am
Dominican Republic
Hi there i am going to Dominican Republic for 7 days i will be leaving tomorrow i will come back next week friday
I'm making a Bluey fanon series.
I am GammaRayCorporation, and I am making a fanon series for Bluey!
Hi everyone. APOCALYSEGAL here. So, I have two things to say.
- Misty is no longer my chief OC. Irene is. So you can just delete the page if you want to. In fact, I hereby declare Misty no longer exists in the Bluey fanonverse. Im very sorry for the inconvenience if you wished to hear any future about Misty.
- There's a creepypasta about Irene/Irene.exe! You can view it at Geoshea's Lost Episodes Wiki! You can go there if you want. Have fun. (WARNING: Although I only have one picture, that being the title screen, I recommend you be mature to handle scary stories because one of the main things is Irene drowning, and it uncartoonish too.)
There you go! That's about everything! Have a good day.
*Note: About that second news report, please be safe while…